A collection of ideas for mild chaos in daily life. Generated by AI, reviewed by a human.
Rotate all the family photos on the wall slightly to the left.
Set all the clocks in your house to be 7 minutes fast. Don't tell anyone.
Swap your coworker's stapler with yours (bonus if they're identical).
Turn one shoe of each pair in your shoe rack to face the wrong direction.
Send someone a text saying, "Nevermind, wrong person." Then don't elaborate.
Slightly loosen the lids on all the jars in the fridge.
Put the cereal box where the bowls go and the bowls where the cereal goes.
Print a fake meeting invitation, stick it on a random colleague's desk, and watch.
Replace one of the lightbulbs in a multi-light fixture with a different color.
Randomly swap two drawer contents in your kitchen or workspace.
Carefully swap two letter keycaps on a colleague's keyboard. M and N are perfect candidates.
Rearrange all books on a shelf to face spine-inward. Watch people try to find their books.
Change everyone's phone ringtone to silent during lunch break. Deny all involvement.
Switch the contents of the salt and sugar containers. Perfect for April Fools'!
Change all office calendars to show a different month. Watch the meeting chaos unfold.
Move all furniture in a room exactly 2 inches to the left. See who notices.